
What Google is Concentrating on for 2014 1. Page load speed on mobile 2. Page load speed on mobile 3. Page load speed on mobile Google recently announced that page load speed is going to be a major factor in

Don’t miss out on these outstanding, one-time offers from Wannabe that will help you capture more customers this holiday season! Your business on top. Wannabe Places includes: Guaranteed placement A low, fixed monthly cost with no “per click” charges Google

  Don’t miss out on these outstanding, one-time offers from Wannabe that will help you capture more customers this holiday season! $50 OFF Mobilizing Your Website (Most Sites Normally are $400) Have your existing website auto-convert to mobile Ask for

Is Your Website Mobilized? Do you even know what that means? Okay, go to your website on your mobile phone. Can you read, find, or tap on your links without having to pinch, zoom & scroll from side to side?

Top 10 Reasons Why Click-to-Call Can Dramatically Increase Sales Every month, the Click-to-Call feature is the most used feature by visitors on mobile websites optimized by WannabeMobile. It’s no surprise that WannabeMobile’s number one Premium features helps business’s with the

Recent research shows that mobile users want to connect to businesses in their local area. *

map-pin 59 % visit the location

phone 61 % of users call a business after searching

money 50 % of mobile searches lead to purchases

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